Torrent is one of the fastest ways to share files across internet without having a central distribution point. But the major disadvantage of torrent is that it exposes the public IP of the users to everyone who has access to that torrent file. This is dangerous for a number of reasons. My concern is not about hackers or anything like that. I live in a country where torrent is “considered” to be illegal. It is not illegal as per law, but we can expect some letters from the ISP if we download any copyrighted stuff from torrent. That is not a big deal for me, as I don’t download any pirated movies or anything from torrent. But I still hate the fact that people can easily identify me using public IP when using torrent.

I could purchase a seedbox and use it to download torrents. But I wanted to try to setup a torrent client through VPN. That’s when I came across this: It is a docker container which has a deluge torrent client (web based) and vpn running alongside it. It also has a kill switch which will stop the torrent when vpn is disconnected. In a previous post Trying out always free ARM VMs in oracle cloud I have explained how I have setup wireguard vpn in oracle ARM VMs using wireguard install script. I’m going to use that to setup arch-delugevpn with wireguard in my machine.

I wrote a docker-compose file from the docker run commands mentioned in the github readme, taking inspiration from this youtube video.

version: '3'
    container_name: delugevpn
    image: binhex/arch-delugevpn:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
    - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
    privileged: true
      - 58846:58846
      - 58946:58946
      - VPN_ENABLED=yes
      - VPN_PROV=custom
      - VPN_CLIENT=wireguard
      - ENABLE_PRIVOXY=yes
      - LAN_NETWORK= # Replace with your network's IP
      - NAME_SERVERS=,
      - DEBUG=false
      - UMASK=000
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin # Replace with your timezone – check for reference
      - /home/jayadeep/docker-volumes/deluge-data:/data
      - ./config:/config
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro

In the volumes section, you can notice that there is a config folder and a data folder. I kept the config folder along with the docker-compose file and data in a separate location. Now all you have to do is copy the wireguard config to the config/wireguard folder and start the container.

docker-compose up

It will connect the vpn, start deluge client and also expose a proxy on port 8112. You can configure this proxy (localhost:8112) in your applications or browser to route the traffic from specific apps through VPN, while keeping the rest of the apps in the public network.

Make sure to check for IP leaks before downloading anything from torrent. I used this website and to ensure that my public IP is not exposed.

Another word of caution: If you are hosting your own vpn, the IP address can be still traced back to you. Copyright owners of pirated content can contact the ISP of the cloud provider and they can terminate your account or take legal actions.